
Which is the Better Smoking Alternative?

In recent years, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have become a popular choice among smokers looking to reduce or quit traditional smoking. However, new products such as IQOS (I Quit Ordinary Smoking) have emerged, claiming to offer a better and less harmful alternative. 

What is IQOS?

IQOS is a heat-not-burn tobacco system developed by Philip Morris International. It works by heating specially designed tobacco sticks (HEETS) to a temperature lower than that required to burn tobacco in traditional cigarettes. This process releases nicotine while reducing the number of harmful chemicals produced.

It was initially launched in Japan and Italy in November 2014. Most IQOS products are designed to heat tobacco without burning it.

What are E-cigarettes?


E-cigarettes heat a liquid, usually containing nicotine, glycerin, and flavorings, to produce a vapor that can be inhaled. These devices come in various shapes and sizes and are a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes due to the variety of flavors available and the lower levels of harmful chemicals compared to traditional smoking.

An electronic cigarette, also known as a vape, is a device that mimics the experience of smoking tobacco. It includes an atomizer, a power source like a battery, and a container such as a cartridge or tank. Instead of producing smoke, it generates vapor for the user to inhale. Therefore, the act of using an e-cigarette is commonly referred to as “vaping.”

Differences Between IQOS and E-cigarettes:


    • IQOS: Uses specially designed tobacco sticks (HEETS).
    • E-cigarettes: Use nicotine-containing liquids.
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  • IQOS: Heats tobacco without burning it.
  • E-cigarettes: Heats a nicotine-containing liquid.
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    Health Effects:

  • Studies suggest that IQOS may reduce exposure to some of the harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, but it still contains nicotine and some other harmful substances.
  • E-cigarettes contain lower levels of harmful chemicals compared to traditional cigarettes, but they are not completely risk-free.
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    Sensory Experience:

  • IQOS provides a smoking experience similar to traditional tobacco smoking due to the use of actual tobacco.
  • E-cigarettes offer a different experience that may appeal to those who prefer a variety of flavors.

Can IQOS be a Substitute for E-cigarettes?

The answer depends on the needs and preferences of the smoker. If a person is looking for an experience similar to smoking traditional cigarettes while reducing some risks, IQOS might be a suitable choice. On the other hand, if someone prefers the variety of flavors and a different sensory experience, e-cigarettes might be the better option.

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